Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now

Healthy Qi Herbs + Formulas

Healthy Qi Herbs + Formulas
Qi tonic herbs revitalize and help strengthen the body's defenses agains disease.

Qi tonic herbs revitalize and help strengthen the body’s defenses against disease. They can be taken at any time and often used in clinic when people are feeling typical signs of Qi deficiency— low energy, weak breathing, poor appetite, digestion issues, tension and foggy/heaviness in the body and mind (see previous posts for more).⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ The most common ways we incorporate these Qi nourishing herbs and formulas into daily life are:

— Dang Shen and Huang Qi are classic Qi tonics to be simmered in broths, soups, and decoctions —and they’re in our Herb Folk Broth Herb kits.⠀⠀ — Locally grown Da zao from the @herbxchange and #liliuminitiative is in the house at Herb Folk, what, what! Use like a broth herb or steeped for 20+ minutes as a tea.⠀⠀ — Eleuthero @rootandbones blends nicely in tea lattes, coffee, smoothie bowls or just mixed with hot water. An easy, daily fix.⠀ — Our go-to tonic formulas can be taken as raw herbal decoctions custom blended at our shop or as tincture via @griffobotanicals ⠀ ⠀ - Free + Easy/Grace + Ease: for Qi deficiency with stagnation⠀ - Base Camp/Fortifend: for Qi deficiency with weak immune system⠀ - No.4: classical Qi deficiency ⠀⠀

Caution: Stop taking tonic herbs during cold, flu and acute sickness. Tonic herbs also strengthen pathogens. With auto immune disease- consult with doctor and trained herbalist.