Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now

Wind Heat and Wind Cold // Early Stage Cold + Flu

Wind Heat and Wind Cold // Early Stage Cold + Flu

In Eastern theory, early stage cold/flu is considered an invasion of Wind. Pathogenic Wind draws Heat or Cold into the body, weakening the body’s defenses and triggering cold/flu symptoms.

So when you start to feel sick, determining whether you have more Wind Cold or Wind Heat symptoms will help you choose the right herbs and formulas:

  • Wind Heat : Mints. Honeysuckle. Chrysanthemum. Yin Qiao San.
  • Wind Cold : Ginger. Cinnamon. Isatis. Gui Zhi Tang.
  • Gan Mao Ling is the go to formula for both types of wind invasion. Great to have on hand or if you’re unsure exactly what’s going on (Not sure what’s going on? Come on in! We’ll help you).
  • Sweat! Take a hot bath or shower (do not wet hair), bundle up and get under the covers to induce a light sweat and break the wind pattern. Particularly great for Wind Cold.

Tricks for preventing an invasion of wind?

  • Astragalus for your Wei Qi and energetic boundaries. Astragalus is the chief herb in the classical formula, Yu Ping Feng San, and great for the physical and energetic immune system.
  • We reach for @griffobotanicals Base Camp or Fortifend ALL. THE. TIME. during the winter months.
  • Guard yourself from environmental wind. Don’t sleep with an open window, active ceiliing fan or wet hair.
  • Mind the back of your neck. This area is the most vulnerable to wind, so when you start to get sick you often feel it at the neck, head and throat. Wear a scarf or bandana when out in cold, windy weather.
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