Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now Yin and Yang of Perimenopause Course Starts March 22—Enroll Now


Eight Treasure Decoction // Ba Zhen Tang

Eight Treasure Decoction // Ba Zhen Tang
A tonic formula to strengthen and harmonize Qi and Blood. 

Used in clinic many times this last month for people who are feeling energetically and physically drained and vulnerable. We modified this one in clinic for someone with one week of dizziness, fatigue and a heavy downward bearing sensation.  Continue reading

Elderberry Elixir Recipe

Elderberry Elixir Recipe
A classic remedy for preventing and treating an early stage cold or flu.

This formula balances elderberries (cooling) with cinnamon and cloves (warming) to strengthen the immune system. Elecampane and licorice are a pair of expectorants that clear airways, congestion and phlegm. It’s most effective when taken regularly or right at the onset of symptoms. Studies show that elderberry syrup can reduce the duration of a cold or flu by four days. Continue reading

Healthy Qi Herbs + Formulas

Healthy Qi Herbs + Formulas
Qi tonic herbs revitalize and help strengthen the body's defenses agains disease.

Qi tonic herbs revitalize and help strengthen the body’s defenses against disease. They can be taken at any time and often used in clinic when people are feeling typical signs of Qi deficiency— low energy, weak breathing, poor appetite, digestion issues, tension and foggy/heaviness in the body and mind (see previous posts for more). Continue reading

Qi Deficiency // Eastern Energetics

Qi Deficiency // Eastern Energetics
Now more than ever it is important to consider how to secure healthy Qi energy to support vitality and immunity.

If you’ve been feeling tired, stressed and spread thin (because, real talk, who isn’t right now?) there are simple ways to add Qi herbs and formulas to your daily routines. Qi deficiency affects everyone differently and some of us are more susceptible to this type of depletion depending on constitution and lifestyle.

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Wind Heat and Wind Cold // Early Stage Cold + Flu

Wind Heat and Wind Cold // Early Stage Cold + Flu

In Eastern theory, early stage cold/flu is considered an invasion of Wind. Pathogenic Wind draws Heat or Cold into the body, weakening the body’s defenses and triggering cold/flu symptoms.

So when you start to feel sick, determining whether you have more Wind Cold or Wind Heat symptoms will help you choose the right herbs and formulas.

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Calm Heart, Cool Mind

Calm Heart, Cool Mind
An herbal tea recipe for self love.

The Heart and Mind connection is a cornerstone of Eastern energetic herbalism. Our Calm Heart, Cool Mind Tea blend speaks to this dynamic by both nourishing and clearing. Continue reading

Blood Nourishing Foods

Blood Nourishing Foods
Blood tonic herbs are deeply nourishing and help strengthen the body’s defenses against disease.

Blood tonics can be taken at any time and often used in clinic when people are feeling typical signs of blood deficiency— low energy, sleep issues, anxiety, dryness, achy joints, dizziness (see previous posts for more). Continue reading

Blood Deficiency // Eastern Energetics

Blood Deficiency // Eastern Energetics

During these deep winter months it is common to feel more and more aware of how the body is depleted, particularly with Blood* and body fluids.

This is a season when Blood nourishing herbs can come into play in a powerful way. Blood deficiency affects everyone differently and some of us are more susceptible this type of depletion depending on constitution and lifestyle.

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What Are Decoctions?

What Are Decoctions?
Decoctions are herbal teas made of the more dense, fibrous plant materials—berries, roots, barks.

This traditional method is how I was taught by my teacher, Dr. Hua Ling Xu, and she always stressed that it is the most potent way to take Eastern herbal formulas. Continue reading

Five-Peel Powder – Wu Pi San

Five-Peel Powder – Wu Pi San
A formula to drain damp.

A formula to drain damp. While it’s a classic for skin edema, I use most often for Spleen Qi deficiency with long term, stubborn damp. It’s a draining formula so it’s often combined with tonic herbs to balance it out for weak constitutions. The formula in this photo was modified for someone with one week of dizziness, fatigue and a heavy downward bearing sensation. Continue reading